to Mar 7

The Traditional Lacemakers of Ireland Are Celebrating Irish Lacemaking In Trident Hotel, Kinsale March 3rd to March 7th  2025

Classes for Beginners and Advanced Students

Visit Kinsale Museum where antique pieces can be studied

Discover Local Heritage

Speaker during the Festival

Classes with qualified teachers in:

A class in Goldwork \ stumpwork

Carrickmacross, Limerick , Bandon,


Irish Crochet, Youghal Needlepoint

And many more

4 nights B+B 1 evening meals 643euro Twin

573euro single

To Book Your Bed Ph Trident Hotel @ 021 4779300

To book your class


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to Mar 10

2023 Events ~ Kinsale Lace Festival

The Traditional Lacemakers of Ireland

Are celebrating Irish Lacemaking

In the Trident Hotel, Kinsale

March 6th to March 10th

Classes for beginners and advanced students

4 B&B one evening meal

To book your bed Ph Trident Hotel @ 021 4779300

To book your class


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2:00 PM14:00

2023 Events ~ Charleville Park

Traditional Lacemakers of Ireland

Are celebrating Irish Lacemaking

In Charleville Park

February 5th

Classes for beginners and advanced students

1 B&B Dinner Concert

Monday visit to Lace Museum

To book your bed Ph 053 6333700

To book you class


Anyone who would like to see lace only are welcome

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6:00 PM18:00

Kinsale lace Festival 2020

  The Traditional Lacemakers of Ireland

Are Celebrating Irish Lacemaking

In Trident Hotel, Kinsale

March 9th to March 13th  2020


       Classes for Beginners and Advanced Students

       Visit Kinsale Museum where antique pieces can be studied

       Discover Local Heritage

                       2 guest Speakers during the Festival

          Lace shop suppliers Manly lace will attend on Tuesday  

                                            Classes with qualified teachers in:

Carrickmacross,  Limerick , Bandon,


Irish Crochet, Youghal Needlepoint

And many more

4 nights B+B 2 evening meals 530euro Twin  342euro single

To Book Your Bed Ph Trident Hotel @ 021 4779300

To book your class


                                        This festival is sponsored by Cork Co.Co.     




Monday March 9th

 Morning/ Afternoon:- National and International Lace makers gather throughout the day

Evening - Dinner @


Tuesday March 10th

Morning:- In the Harpoon Suite, Trident Hotel 10am to 11am we have our first speaker.

                  11.30am  to 12.30pm Second speaker

                  Manly lace shop will be open all day.

                  Also attending will be Passage creates with their sales table.

                  Both shops close at 4pm.

                 Local Lace Exhibition 10am to 1pm Tuesday and Wednesday in

                                 The Chart room.


Evening:- Eat in or out in Kinsale


Wednesday March 11th

Morning:-  Classes in the Harpoon Suite, Trident Hotel 10am to 1pm

                   Exhibition 10am to 1pm Tuesday and Wednesday in

                                 The Chart room open to the public.

Afternoon:-2.30pm. A Mystery bus tour, to include a visit to a lace collection and a meal out.


Thursday March 12th

Morning:- Classes in the Harpoon Suite, Trident Hotel  10am to 1pm

Afternoon:-  Wander around Kinsale enjoy all it offers.

Evening:-  6 pm Meal in the Trident Hotel Ladies Night + A movie in the chart room


Friday March 13th

For every Gathering, there is a Scattering

We hope you all enjoyed the week in Kinsale and that the Lace Making went well, we wish you a safe journey home


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11:00 AM11:00

International Lace Festival

The Traditional Lacemakers of Ireland

Are Celebrating Irish Lacemaking

In Trident Hotel, Kinsale

March 4th to March 8th  2019


Shetland Teacher Anne Eunson and her sister Kathleen Anderson will be teaching

Shetland Teacher Anne Eunson and her sister Kathleen Anderson will be teaching

·       Classes for Beginners and Advanced Students

·       Visit Kinsale Museum where antique pieces can be studied

·       Discover Local Heritage


·       Classes with qualified teachers in:

Shetland lace by 2 Shetland teachers

Carrickmacross,  Limerick , Bandon,


Irish Crochet, Youghal Needlepoint

And many more

4 nights B+B 2 evening meals 504euro Twin 325euro single

To Book Your Bed Ph Trident Hotel @ 021 4779300


 To book your class


                                        This festival is sponsored by Cork Co.Co.     




Monday March 4th

 Morning/ Afternoon:- National and International Lace makers gather throughout the day

Evening - Dinner @ 6.30pm


Tuesday March 5th

Morning:- Classes in the Harpoon Suite, Trident Hotel 10am to 1pm

                  Exhibition 10am to 1pm Schooner Lounge, Trident Hotel

Afternoon:-   Discover Kinsale with a walking tour

Evening:- Free Time, Ask for information on restaurants and live music in Kinsale.


Wednesday March 6th

Morning:-  Classes in the Harpoon Suite, Trident Hotel 10am to 1pm

                   Exhibition 10am to 1pm Schooner Lounge, Trident Hotel

Afternoon:- Guest Speaker

Evening:- Dinner @ 6.30pm


Thursday March 7th

Morning:- Classes in the Harpoon Suite, Trident Hotel

                   Exhibition 10am to 1pm Schooner Lounge, Trident Hotel

 Afternoon:- Trip to see a reserve collection of lace

Evening:- Free Time, Ask for information on restaurants and live music in Kinsale.


Friday March 8th

For every Gathering, there is a Scattering

We hope you all enjoyed the week in Kinsale and that the Lace Making went well, we wish you a safe journey home and we may just do it all again !!!!!!!!!


For Information:- Contact Veronica  e-mail

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4:00 PM16:00

Untitled Event

The Traditional Lacemakers of Ireland


Are Celebrating Irish Lacemakers

Festival at An Grianan


September 3rd to 7th 2018


















·       Lacemaking for Beginners and Advanced Students


·       Visit Museums where antique pieces can be studied



·       Lacemaking with qualified teachers in:

Carricmacross,  Limerick , Bobbin lace

Mountmellic work and fine knitting.

Irish Crochet, Youghal Needlepoint

And many more.





For Information:- Contact Veronica  e-mail



Monday September 3rd

Train from Cork

Bus from Hueston Station to An Grianan 2pm

Bus at Airport @ 2.30pm

Arrive at An Grianan 4pm   tea and biscuit waitng.

High tea @ 5.30pm

Lace classes 7pm to 8.30pm


Tuesday 4th

Breakfast 8.30am and a packed lunch

Bus leaving at 10.30 am.

We are going to see a private collection of lace in Monaghan town.

Afternoon bus back to An Grianan to make Lace.

5.30pm Dinner

Evening of song with Isobel Luke, on the grand piano in the drawing room.


Wednesday 5th

Breakfast 8.30am

Speakers Northern lace ladies on the Game of Thrones tapestry. 10am to 11am


Speaker Roisin De Butleir  speaking on design 11.30 to 12.30pm

Lunch 1pm to 2pm

Lacemaking 2pm to 5pm.

High tea 5.30pm

7.30 to 8pm Short talk on Jane Austin

Ceol and crack in the bar

Thursday 6th

Breakfast 8.30am and a packed lunch

Bus at 10.30 to Enniskeillen.  To see the Sheelan lace collection

Afternoon 2 hours lacemaking in An Grianan

Dinner 5.30pm

8pm.  Music and song with Isobel.


Friday Morning farewell and bus back to Dublin @ 10.30 am

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to Mar 9

Kinsale Lace week 2018

The Traditional Lacemakers of Ireland

Are Celebrating Irish Lacemaking

In Trident Hotel, Kinsale


March 5th to March 9th  2018


·       Classes for Beginners and Advanced Students


·       Visit Kinsale Museum where antique pieces can be studied

·       Discover Local Heritage


·       Classes with qualified teachers in:

                             Shetland Lace

                       Carricmacross,  Limerick ,


Irish Crochet, Youghal Needlepoint

And many more


To Book Your Bed Ph 021 4779300 4 B+Bs with 2 evening meals 315 euro


 To book your class @ 50euro for 3 morning classes


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2:00 PM14:00

Kinsale Lace Week 2017

The Traditional Lacemakers of Ireland

Are Celebrating Irish Lacemaking

In Trident Hotel, Kinsale


March 6th to March 10th  2017


·       Classes for Beginners and Advanced Students


·       Visit Kinsale Museum where antique pieces can be studied

·       Discover Local Heritage


·       Classes with qualified teachers in:

Carricmacross,  Limerick , Bandon,


Irish Crochet, Youghal Needlepoint

And many more


To Book Your Bed Ph 021 4779300




 To book your class























Monday March 6th

 Morning/ Afternoon:- National and International Lace makers gather throughout the day

Evening Dinner @ 6.30pm


Tuesday March 7th

Morning:- Classes in the Harpoon Suite, Trident Hotel

                  Exhibition 10am to 1pm Schooner Lounge, Trident Hotel

Afternoon:-  Out to see Historical Kinsale

Evening:- Free Time  


Wednesday March 8th

Morning:-  Classes in the Harpoon Suite, Trident Hotel

                   Exhibition 10am to 1pm Schooner Lounge, Trident Hotel

Afternoon:- Lecture by Lia Baumeister-Jonker from Amsterdam

Evening:- Dinner @ 6.30 pm


Thursday March 9th

Morning:- Classes in the Harpoon Suite, Trident Hotel

                   Exhibition 10am to 1pm Schooner Lounge, Trident Hotel

 Afternoon:- Free Time to explore Kinsale.

Evening:  Information on restaurants and where to hear live music in Kinsale, see notice   

                 board at the entrance of the Harpoon Suite.


Friday March 10th

For every Gathering, there is a Scattering

We hope you all enjoyed the week in Kinsale and that the Lace Making went well, we wish you a safe journey home and we may just do it all again !!!!!!!!!


For Information:- Contact Veronica  e-mail



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1:30 PM13:30

Events 2017

Events   2017


Feburary 4th TLI will be meeting in Crawford arts gallery. 

10am to 3pm.  Bring what you are working on.

During the day members will in groups get to see the archive collection of lace held in the Crawford.


Saturday March 4th a day workshop in Nemo Rangers, Douglas,

 A variety of classes will be on offer.


Kinsale Lace Week, March 6th to 10th.  The annual lace festival in the Trident Hotel Kinsale. Our guest teacher, Lia Baumeister-Jonker from Amsterdam, who many of you will have met on our guild trip to Amsterdam in 2015.  Lia will teach Bobbin Lace on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, spaces are limited, as well as giving a lecture on Wednesday afternoon                                    Classes will taught in all the Irish Laces on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

April 1st A day workshop in Nemo Rangers

April 6th to 10th Summer School in Gougane Barra

May  6th A day workshop in Nemo Rangers

June 3rd A day workshop in Nemo Rangers

July 1st    A day workshop in Nemo Rangers

September 2nd A day workshop in Nemo Rangers

September 8th to 13th we are taking a 5 day trip to Lloret de Mar Spain to Demonstrate Irish Lace making.

October 7th Guild AGM in Nemo Rangers

All enquiries to                                                                                                              

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Summer School
to Apr 22

Summer School

  • Google Calendar ICS

Take the opportunity of making lace in the peaceful surroundings of Gougane Barra while also relaxing and relishing the spectacular scenery and wonderful food. E-mail Veronica Stuart at

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